
own quote # 69

I am not looking for marriage because i Am Eternal.





own quote # 68

The best red is Green again.


Jefferson quote # 7

Nothing is troublesome that one does of her/his own volition.


# 234, Why I could not trust Kennedy?

234. I couldn't trust president # 38 of the US because >>>
a. He professed the worst religion ever: I call it 1 103 years old Ger-manism, others call it Cat-holicism
b. He was a war monger, putting the World @ the brink of Ww3 based only on his Ger-man Church friends' deprecating attitude towards our most tested ally along 2 World wars.
c. He was an adamant hoaxer, capable of forcing the entire scientific leadership in order 2 make believe that we landed on the Moon out of geopolitical calculations.
d. He became a killer when he {with the cover of FBI's Ger-man American Hoover} suffocated 2 death beautiful & charming Mormon lady Norma Jean Mortenson a.k.a. Marilyn Monroe *since then turned into an Angel) motivated by jealous sentiments towards his brother Robert, conspicuous member of the US Senate.

Jefferson quote # 6

Never trouble another for what you can do yourself.


biggest worldwide hoax ever # 1

Jesus founded a new religion & died on a cross.

Truth is >>>
Jesus of Nazareth was a Jewish rabbi turned *through his enriching experience in Asia) into a Theist. Therefore he taught to dismiss every religion.
As it was usual, at the very latest 3 hours after being crucified Roman authorities gave the living punished 1 to their relatives. So was the case also with Jesus who then in the initial hours of Shabbat *Friday night) was brought with life partner Mary of Magdala and their 3 kids to the later known as Ottoman Empire *current Turkey) by his real father the rich & well connected merchant Joseph of Arimathea.


own quote # 67

As i trusted Khrushchev more than i trusted Kennedy, i do trust Putin more than i do trust Obama.


own quote # 66

GOD wants us & helps us 2 find IT through the power of pure Logic.


# 233, Deconstructing the Climate Change farce

233. Honesty driven Science is proving that all Humans descend from a single female humanoid ape (the one we can call Eve or Lucy or any meaningful name) who lived 188 000 years ago in what we since last century know as the limit zone between African countries Kenya & Somalia.
Same scientists concur with me that the Spring-like climate conditions at that time were similar in all corners of our unique planet, including its poles. Consequently -watched from near space- Earth looked as a mixture of shades of green (for continents) & shades of blue (for oceans & lakes). Also -when watched from outer space- Earth appeared to be not the pale blue dot of Sagan but a deep-turquoise one.
The former analysis & reasoning is consistent with the fact that the ancient name its earlier inhabitants the Inuit gave to the massive Danish island close to the Arctic ergo North pole was Kalaallit Nunaat, meaning Grønland in Danish i.e. green-land.
Further scientific evidence -not corrupted by the ambition for money permeating the scientific community e.g. since Freud- shows that there was indeed a steady climate-change in the form of global-cooling beginning a few centuries after the inception of Humanity on planet Earth (188 000 years ago) until 1992 (ergo 1992 years after the crucifixion good Jesus survived / ergo 500 years after Colombo's discovery of America). That global-cooling originated much of the physical differences among the descendants say of Lucy alias Eve.
Additional honest scientific observations expose that climate-change in ways of global-warming started in given year (1992) & continues until now.
My conclusion as a Theist like Jefferson, Washington, Bolivar, DeSanmartin et al is that GOD was not happy with the way most of the descendants of Lucy behaved. So IT permitted global-cooling until the hopeful year 1992 when Human behavioral trend turned majorly for the better.





own quote # 65

Since long I use to repeat like a mantra: Yes to GOD, no to every religion. In that sense I'm kind of a Marxist.




Comment on Facebook of Pablo A. Omonte

We cannot compare a creole version of nationalism with Europe's nationalism of neo-nazi tendency. Vargas Llosa (who knows that Garcia opened the door to Fujimori's dictatorship) shall make a point though that since the 70s European neo-nazi foundations were promoting & financing anti American terrorist groups around the World.
No podemos comparar una versión criolla de nacionalismo con el nacionalismo de tendencia neo-nazi en Europa. Vargas Llosa (quien sabe que García abrió la puerta a la dictadura de Fujimori) debería resaltar sin embargo que desde los 70 fundaciones europeas neo-nazis estuvieron promoviendo y financiando grupos terroristas anti estadounidenses alrededor del Mundo.


Comment on Facebook of Presidencia Perú

Ditto >>>
En vez de contribuir al esclarecimiento como DIOS espera, much@s prefieren sumarse -por conveniencia política- a la promoción del oscurantismo.






# 232, Eleições 2014

232. Hoje, domingo 5 de outubro são realizadas eleições no Brasil e no Peru. No Brasil presidenciais, no Peru regionais e locais. 
Em ambos casos, o maior desafio é eleger líderes mais honestos, porque o pior mal que aflige a maioria dos países latino-americanos -incluindo Brasil e Peru- é a corrupção, como não se aproveitó anos do crescimeinto econômico de origen internacional para executar essenciais reformas estruturais, p.e. para acabar com o sequestro político de seus sistemas jurídicos. 
Que DEUS continue a permitir que -se não existe o melhor- o menos ruim ou o menos pior torne-se escolhido.


# 231, Elecciones 2014

231. Mañana domingo 5 de octubre se realizarán elecciones tanto en Brasil como en Perú. En Brasil son presidenciales, en Perú regionales y municipales.
En ambos casos el mayor reto es elegir a líderes más honestos, pues el peor mal gubernamental que aqueja aún a la mayoría de países latinoamericanos -entre ellos Brasil y Perú- es el de la corrupción, ya que no se aprovecharon los años de bonanza económica de origen internacional para realizar imprescindibles reformas estructurales que p.ej. pongan fin al secuestro político de sus sistemas judiciales. 
Qué DIOS siga permitiendo que salgan elegidos -si no hay mejores- los menos malos o los menos peores.





Comment on Facebook of Fox News Video

Looks like the majority of those writing 'no' have no US military experience nor have they internalized the motto E Pluribus Unum.
Instead of arguing against 1 wise approach of a GOD's blessed & there4 trustworthy military command, let us all help building soon the United States of whole America in order 2 be able 2 start constructing also soon the United States of the World the good Einstein wanted us 2 achieve even right after Ww2.
More via www.omonte.org

Comentario en Facebook de Canal N

Fujimori sabe que el mencionado caso los puede comprometer; así como a los García y a los Humala. Y no sería raro que a los Toledo. :)



Comentario en Facebook de Pablo Omonte

[en él]
Nunca tuve tiempo para leer novelas de MV; pero desde hace muchos años leo la mayoría de sus artículos en uno y otro idioma.
Eso me ha llevado al convencimiento, como a mucha gente en el mundo, de su gran lucidez como calificado observador de eventos peruanos y globales.
Una de las pocas veces en las q no estuve de acuerdo con él es en q haya optado x la nacionalidad española en vez d x la ciudadanía estadounidense.

Comentario en Facebook de RPP Noticias

MV tiene la lucidez y todo derecho d hacerlo.
Sin embargo -como mencionado al compartir ayer una nota parecida d El Comercio- considero q debe oponerse tb a la candidatura d ladrones, evasores off-shore, narcotraficantes y respectivos socios.


Comment on Facebook of Rachel Mills

If the Rockefellers truly want 2 save the US & the World they should b starting 2 found a.s.a.p. Fusion-Energy research. 
More via 

Comentario en Facebook de Diana Sanchez

La manzana inglesa o Granny Smith (la verde d la foto) es tan sana q puede comerse con cáscara, semillas, etc. La manzana pachacamac (también verde pero más pequeña) también.

Comment on Facebook of Fox News Video

It appears DiCaprio is not only a misinformed actor, but like Gore also a climate-change hoaxer ergo hypocrite.
Fox News shall help divulge the best approach >>>

More via


Post on Facebook of Pablo A. Omonte

Wed Sep 24, 2014 11:53am

Well done Tomer
This is worth 2 share in order 2 help creating consensus regarding the best way 2 get rid of environment-unfriendly (& extenuating in less than 60 years!) oil & gas (4 an aspiring world population of currently more than 7 billion & more than 9 billion people in less than 60 years!). 
This is also the smartest approach 2 ‪#‎ActOnClimate‬ (2 use a hash-tag The White House likes since president #44). 
I'll try 2 come up w/ a Spanish translation soon. 
I have written a paper for non-scientists but, none the less smart people, explaining what energy is, where it comes from, why energy and mass is conserved, and a comparison of energy density which shows why we must maintain our use of coal, natural gas and petroleum until fusion is perfected and commercialized. There is no other choice: 



Comment on Facebook of Central Intelligence Agency

Langley's Factbook trumps Menlo Park's Facebook. 8|

Comment on Facebook of Jorge Giles Ferrer

More important than academic degrees is Wisdom & there are even more wise illiterate people than scholastically proficient 1s.


Commentaire sur Facebook de Canal N

15 milliards de intis, en tout cas.
L'argent vient en dormant ou non seulement par Cervantes/Chang.

Comment on Facebook of David Cameron

Scotland's decision is more congruent w/ the need 2 forming soon the United States of whole America, ergo the United States of the whole World.




Comment on Facebook of Henshi Gorodetsky

*A hagelschauer of not so quiet chuckles)




Comment on Facebook of David Cameron

A wise & valiant statement.
As we fight Islamic terrorists though, we have 2 help our own people 2 liberate themselves of other religious myths numbing their spirits, ergo their faculty 2 help find solutions 2 already existing & 2 arising worldwide challenges.
More via www.omonte.org




Comment on Facebook of Sandra Houston

Thomas Paine, 1 of the great Theists of all times & 1 of the Founders of the USA.




own quote # 64

To resolve our World's verbatim fission we need Fusion, also to obtain energy.


Comment on Facebook of Pablo Omonte

^All the Founders of the USA & all the Liberators of LA were Theists ergo Freemasons, beginning w/ TJ the most wise among them all.^




Comment on Facebook of The Revolution

^4 sure we need a better kind of Progress.
In order 2 achieve it we got 2 replace petroleum + co. w/ Fusion energy & we need 2 start building a.s.a.p. the US of whole A w/ the purpose 2 better help the World 2 build sooner the USW Albert Einstein wanted right after Ww2.^


Comment on Facebook of Andrew Feder

Mon Aug 4, 2014 11:32am

^It is already scientifically proved since the 80s >>> We all Humans are descendants of the same female ape *we can call Eve, Lucy or any meaningful name) who received the Grace of GOD 176,000 years ago in what we nowadays know as the border-zone between Kenya & Somalia. Only diverse climate conditions over a long period of time has provided us w/ different physical appearances.^




own quote # 63

As the vast majority of Americans i Am a Ladino American.


Comment on Facebook of Elizabeth John

^Through GOD & w/ the support of truly good (there4 Eternal) women & men like David, Salomon, Joseph of Arimathea, Maria of Nazareth, Jesus of Nazareth, Maria of Magdala, Manco Capac, Cristobal Columbus, Francisco Pizarro, Miguel de Cervantes, Francesco de Assisi, Leonardo da Vinci, Isabel Flores de Oliva, Martín de Porres, Baruch Spinoza, Isaac Newton, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Francisco de Miranda, José de San Martín, Simón Bolivar, Antonio José de Sucre, Joseph Smith, Ramón Castilla, Albert Einstein, et al^
More via www.omonte.org




Post on Facebook of Pablo A. Omonte

Wed Jul 16, 2014 1:00pm
El sábado 12 de julio empezó una estúpida campaña difamatoria en mi contra, la misma que (por sus patas cortas o sea frágiles fundamentos no pudo sostenerse más de 3 días) originó el cierre temporal de mi única página web (afincada en Google) y de mis únicas cuentas tanto en Facebook como en Twitter. 
Dicha campaña fue dirigida desde el BND (bundesnachrichtendienst = servicio de información federal = servicio alemán de inteligencia externa) y BAD (bundesabwher und abschirmdienst = servicio de defensa y protección federal = servicio de contraespionaje alemán) con aprobación de Angela Merkel y bajo las órdenes de un Wulf Kamlah von Foster (algo menor que yo en edad), quien cuando viví allá durante exactamente 10 años, 8 meses y 4 días [estudiando 1ro como becado de la entonces llamada Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft (CDG) en Giessen (estado federal Hessen) y luego como practicant x 8 meses + como vertriebsingenieur x 2 años 8 meses en la sede mundial para redes públicas de telecomunicaciones de Siemens AG) en München (estado federal Bayern)] entre 4 agosto 1982 y 8 abril 1993 se acercó a mí (aún en Giessen, 1987) -de motu proprio y fingiendo amistad sincera- a través de nuestras comunes amigas Sonja Diegel y Christiane Richter. 
El trasfondo es que, como miembro de la principal studentenverbindung (fraternidad estudiantil) neo nazi con sede en Lüneburg (norte de Alemania occidental) y con nexos primigenios hacia la bundeswher y hacia líderes claves de la iglesia alemana a.k.a. iglesiacatólica, Wulf se había enterado que yo era un convencido pro Americano quien criticaba abiertamente el preocupante y desagradecido anti Americanismo creciente sobre todo en las élites alemanas. 
En Perú dicha campaña fue orquestada (con base en archivos sustraídos en octubre 2013 de una de mis laptops) desde la oficina de Gilbert Violeta, obviamente -como siempre para temas críticos- con la aprobación expresa de su jefe Pedro Pablo Kuczynski Godard (PPKG), cuyo presidential bid 2011 apoyé fehacientemente desde que se lo ofrecí cuando nos encontramos en mi ciudad natal Huánuco en diciembre 2009 -como a tod@s consta- sin recibir centavo alguno y dando sabios consejos como p.ej. (para muestra basta un botón) que la Alianza por el Gran Cambio (ApGC) no acepte de ningún modo apoyo del APRA, pues entre otras razones la candidata nata (a + tardar desde antes del ballottage peruvien 1990) de Alan Gabriel Ludwig García Pérez (AGLGP) era Keiko Sofía Fujimori Higuchi (KSFH). 
Actualmente estamos en una etapa de debriefing y due-diligence a varias personas y entidades en diversas partes de este único Mundo que DIOS nos ha dado para hacer el bien sin mirar a quien o a que. 
Ya se enterarán más temprano que tarde por medios internacionales y nacionales de los resultados. 
También -lo ofrezco- a través de mi site www.omonte.org.
Con la amabilidad de siempre, 



own quote # 62

heart is basically a euphemism for Soul.



own quote # 61

Paraphrasing wise Romans, b4 Nero 4 sure: No'man is o'Man.


Comment on Facebook of Paulo Uebel

Not so fast Paulo querido.
What about the huge ‪#‎FIFA‬ mafia? What about the über corrupt German-Swiss ‪#‎Blatter‬? What about technology German neo nazi companies like ‪#‎Siemens‬ are experts on, like ‪#‎gamma‬ or ‪#‎röntgen‬ ‪#‎radiation‬ using photo cameras or even a satellite 2 unbalance people? What about a honest anti-doping control 4 drugs like crystal?
More via


own quote # 60

At the latest since Benghazi, I prefer Hilary Duff over Hillary Clinton.


Post on Facebook of Pablo A. Omonte

Fri Jul 4, 2014 10:27am

With a flag photographed in 1992 -a year when I was ready 2 make the ultimate sacrifice 4 America- I wish you all a GOD blessed 4th of July!


Comment on Facebook of Mudar Zahran

Trying 2 dismiss fusion energy (the cleanest & safest 1) based on the sheer inexactness that there will be plenty of contaminating petroleum is just unmoral.


Comment on Facebook of Henshi Gorodetsky

As e.g. on 9/11/01, what shall console the families of those 3 boys & every good person on Earth is that GOD has rewarded them as victims w/ immediate Eternity. 
More embraces.



Comment on Facebook of Central Intelligence Agency

Sat Jun 28, 2014 11:17pm

The United States of the World, in spe.



Comment on Facebook of Tomer D. Tamarkin

UN provided high-level corruption w/ a supranational reach.



Comment on Facebook of Henshi Gorodetsky

Tue Jun 26, 2014 6:16pm

Worst sin of Bill was 2 kind of philander w/ the biggest foes of America & this way setting course 4 a bad example, as we're learning 2 reconfirm.



Comment on Facebook of Central Intelligence Agency

#41, 1 of the best US presidents of all times & the best prepared 4 sure, along #3.
Being at the 11/92 presidential election's party Amerika Haus (then a USIA entity) organized in Munich Karolinenplatz I got convinced he was the by-far most feared (of the 3 contenders) among the white-collar German neo nazis.
Clinton, the dearly preferred.

own quote # 59

DIOS acostumbra a hablarnos a través de números.

Comment on Facebook of Henshi Gorodetsky

I know it doesn't sound 2 meekly, but tattoos are a bad omen 4 every1 (as piercings & silicons).


own quote # 58

GOD uses 2 speak 2 us through numbers.

Comment on Facebook of NJ Burkett

A democratic Iraq after Hussein (thanks to the USA) became a beacon of hope e.g. for many young Arabs everywhere, but it needed a long-lasting support as it was & is the case in South Korea.
That expected commitment came sorrily to an end just as candidate Obama offered.



Comment on Facebook of Chip Blumberg

Mon Jun 16, 2014 10:22pm

The extermination of 6 million Jews through the killing industry conceived & conducted by nazi Germany was the crucial reason for UK & the USA to support circa 60 years ago the re-building of Israel in their ancient territory occupied in the meantime by Egyptian & Jordanian Arabs.
Let's not forget though that many German nazi leaders came back soon from Latin America to the then federal republic of Germany (a supposed US ally) w/ the pretext to help counter communism. 
For instance I know -because I saw those descendants (occupying leading positions in German multinationals) in the eyes & heard their anti Semitic & anti American fanatic rhetoric- that at the latest since the early 90s there is still a menace of a neo nazi Germany covertly supporting US & Israeli enemies through apparently well minded foundations.


own quote # 57

Donde sea que voy brillan luna y sol. Por tanto me siento en casa en todo lugar.


Comment on an article of The New Yorker

What John Cassidy, William Clinton, Barack Obama & others still seem not to realize is that Saddam Hussein was the new Adolf Hitler neo nazi Germany promoted & prepared through companies like Siemens.
It's no wonder to me (who suffered in Munich between 1989 & 1993 the most live endangering consequences for siding -out of a deep libertarian conviction- with the USA) that a young architect named Mohamed Atta learned between 1992 & 1998 everything about NYC's WTC at Hamburg's technical university.
George Bush II did what George Washington or Thomas Jefferson would have done.
There was no alternative if you wanted to bring the battle against the neo nazi pupils (al Qaeda fanatics) out of US territory.
More via www.omonte.org


own quote # 56

Wherever I go moon & sun shine. Therefore I feel everywhere at home.


Comment on an article of The Times Of Israel

I encountered anti Semitism & anti Americanism almost at the same time. It was as an electronics engineering student in then federal republic of Germany (supposedly an US ally), inside elitist circles & once I became quite fluent in German. I countered bluntly against it no matter it originated a longtime harassment process (even life endangering) conducted by the German surveillance services.




Comment on Facebook of Chip Blumberg

The extermination of 6 million Jews by nazi Germany called for an urgently needed existence of Israel.
By the way, living (studying & working) in Germany (federal republic until 1989) between 1982 & 1993 I became aware that nazis & their descendants who fled after WWII e.g. to South America came back soon (with the pretext to deter communism) rebuilding an elite which didn't relinquish antisemitism nor anti Americanism.


Comentario en Facebook de Pedro Pablo Kuczynski Página Oficial

La carretera central está muy deteriorada desde el 2do período de García, y sin visos de una solución sólida y urgente como debiera ser, en el tramo de más de 200 km desde Chicrín (bajando Cerro de Pasco) hasta Tingo María.
Pedro Pablo no lo ha podido percibir porque debe haber tomado en La Oroya el desvío hacia Tarma.


own quote # 55

I have learned to become a Theist, like e.g. Jesus, Manco Cápac & Thomas Jefferson.


own quote # 54

I am a Jeffersonian.




Comentario en Facebook de Diario16

Bad omen.
ADECORE = Asociación de colegios religiosos católicos.
SM = Colegio santa María marianistas.
Yes 2 GOD. No 2 religions.


Comment on Facebook of Pablo Omonte

Fri May 9, 2014 10:55pm

4 sure, i wish U had also a happy zinc'O de my O over there. :)




Comentario en Facebook de Profesionales PPK

PPK tiene que tener sumo cuidado con levantar duda sobre una sólida posición contra seriamente cuestionadas empresas universitarias peruanas. Más bien, debe preferir la pronta devolución de posibles doctorados honoris causa otorgados por aquellas.


Comentario en Facebook de Alejandro Cavero

A más tardar desde Guinea y hasta ahora, PPK es un exitoso empresario minero.


Comentario en Facebook de Gabriela Chavez

Sun Apr 27, 2014 7:51pm

Lo que cabe resaltar es la sagaz acción politica de Reagan con el propósito de apurar el desmembramiento del bloque soviético. El pase forzado en 1978 de Luciani hacia Wojtyła fue coordinado posiblemente entre 2 bávaros: Kissinger y Ratzinger.
Conocedor de detalles, Obama sonríe fácilmente cuando saluda a Bergoglio.


# 230, Chinese economic slowdown and Latin America

230. What China's economic slowdown means for Latin America is center of a new intelligence report by Austin, Texas based Stratfor.
A looming slowdown in the Chinese economy promises trouble for China's economic partners in Latin America, especially commodity exporters. The growing relationship between China and Latin America is on display this week as Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi tours the region in a trip that will wrap up April 26. Wang is visiting Cuba, Venezuela, Brazil and Argentina to discuss bilateral financing and trade deals. 
China's slowing economy and potential for domestic economic instability threatens to sharply lower demand for key commodities exported by Latin American countries. Particularly vulnerable shall be countries such as Brazil, Peru and Chile that have seen China rise in importance as an export destination.


# 229, Venezuelan oil production amid political unrest

229. Recently, Stratfor analyzed the endemic risks of Venezuela's energy sector, concluding that the biggest threat to its oil production is not the protest movement but the continued degradation of its energy sector as a whole.
The current political situation differs greatly from the situation in 2002. Twelve years ago, PDVSA leaders joined a general nationwide strike by locking out workers for more than 50 days. During that time, oil production fell from 3 million barrels per day to 150,000 per day. U.S. monthly imports of Venezuelan crude fell from nearly 50 million barrels in November 2002 to 13 million in January 2003, and Venezuela was forced to import millions of barrels of refined products to offset the damage of oil shortages. The strike devastated the country's oil industry and national economy, but ultimately it raised the global price of oil only slightly because producers and refiners were able to compensate for the deficit. U.S. refineries, for example, were able to draw from oil stockpiles, and several months after exports resumed, the markets stabilized. 
After the strike, the government of former President Hugo Chavez fired nearly 18,000 workers, or about 40 percent of PDVSA's workforce, many of whom were trained engineers, accountants and managers, for their actual or alleged involvement in planning the strike. PDVSA has never fully recovered from losing so many experienced personnel. But it has since been made responsible for financing several social causes, which have drained its resources and reduced investment in exploration, production and maintenance. Combined with subsequent energy nationalizations, these factors have prevented PDVSA from producing at pre-2002 levels.


Comentario en Facebok de Diario Correo

Con seguridad Mario está más cerca de DIOS que cualquier encumbrado eclesiástico. No tiene el lastre de pertenecer a una institución que cobijó a un ente como la inquisición, autora de miles de crímenes sistemáticos y cuya moderna versión al mando del conocido señor Ratzinger se dedicó a encubrir masivamente una serie de casos de pedofilia cometidos por sus miembros en el Mundo a lo largo de decenas de años.


Comentario en Facebook de Pedro Pablo Kuczynski Página Oficial

Más honesto delante de DIOS es enseñar simplemente a seguir las buenas enseñanzas de Jesús, pues se debe tener en cuenta que cristo (traducción griega del hebreo mesías) fue un concepto de corte político-religioso difundido varios siglos después y en cuyo nombre se llegó a exterminar a un sinnúmero de gente inocente en diversas partes del Mundo, incluyendo América Latina.


Comentario en Facebook de Carlos Bruce

Fri Apr 11, 2014 8:46pm

Abominación es abusar sexualmente de niñas o niños y este crimen es cometido tanto por heterosexuales como por homosexuales, muchas veces dentro de familias o en instituciones religiosas como una bastante conocida que ha sido demandada por fin ante la Corte Penal Internacional y que tuvo que desprenderse anticipadamente de su jerarca sindicado como uno de los principales responsables del delito de encubrimiento a lo largo de varias décadas.
La unión civil es fundamentalmente un acto de equidad y -creo en lo personal- debería ser paso legal suficiente para toda persona que desea formar una familia.


Comentario en Facebook de Profesionales PPK

Kuczynski es el más capaz, incluso comparado con Belaúnde. Ojalá no se contagie de aquel síndrome de no poder evitar rodearse de algunos pillos como Ulloa.


# 228, Reconciliation between Israel and Turkey

228. Following a recent report issued by the private intelligence firm Stratfor, an energy pipeline project under consideration could help Turkey and Israel renew their partnership after years of strain. On March 23, Israeli financial daily Globes announced that more than 10 companies had submitted bids for the tender of a proposed undersea pipeline that would export natural gas from Israel's offshore Leviathan field to southern Turkey. The statement came shortly before Today's Zaman reported a meeting between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's personal envoy for energy and security issues, David Meidan, and the chief of Turkey's National Intelligence Organization, Hakan Fidan, in which both parties reportedly agreed to work toward reopening embassies and normalizing relations, which have been fraught since the 2010 flotilla incident that left several Turks dead. 
Israel and Turkey currently find themselves isolated in the region, giving both countries a reason to begin working together again, especially now that Turkey's ruling party has consolidated its power in the recent elections and feels more secure against a domestic backlash. While several technical and political obstacles make it unlikely that the proposed Leviathan pipeline will be constructed anytime soon, the issue could be used as a springboard for normalizing Israeli-Turkish diplomatic relations and opening the door to more bilateral investment and intelligence cooperation.


Comentario en Facebook de Canal N

La gran mayoría de latinoamericanas y latinoamericanos tiene algún origen judío, sobre todo sefardí. Es de imaginar que -para evitar una posible aunque improbable avalancha- el estado español ata la publicación de aquella lista (aún incompleta) a que la persona demuestre que aún ejerce dicha religión, lo cual suena risible pues aquellos judíos (nuestros antepasados) tuvieron que convertirse hace centenas de años al catolicismo para no extinguirse en la hoguera.


# 227, Ukrainian oligarchs

227. Also per Stratfor analysis, the different oligarchs of Ukraine who came to power thanks to their political connections during the the rapid transition to capitalism will play a critical role during the current crisis.
Among them are Rinat Akhmetov, the country's richest man, who holds a dominant position in the country's steel and coal production. Another powerful one is Dmytro Firtash, a major player in the power and chemical industry. And last but not least Igor Kolomoisky, a banking and industrial magnate.

Comentario en Facebook de Pedro Pablo Kuczynski Página Oficial.

¿Ha podido averiguar Pedro Pablo con certidumbre sobre el penoso estado en el que quedaba el tramo peruano (ecológicamente e históricamente valioso) después del paso de los corredores y séquito del llamado Dakar?
Nuevamente, no todo es dinero.


own quote # 53

El alma no se amuebla, se forja.

own quote # 52

The soul doesn't get furnished, it gets forged.


# 226, What to expect by 2039?

Also per Stratfor, forecasting world events is a difficult task that takes guts and discipline. Though you can find endless scenarios in a number of places, the same people that predicted, in 2002, the EU crisis; and in 2010, the U.S.-Iranian negotiations – focuses on countries’ constraints, which eliminates the impossibilities down to a likely path.
Here are a few things to be seen ahead by 2039:
  • The United States will continue to be the leading economic power.
  • Conflict in the Middle East will continue, but the United States will take a much more hands-off approach in the region.
  • German and Russian interests will align, trading natural gas and technology, and could potentially threaten Washington's global strategy.
  • Mexico will become an industrial powerhouse by taking low-level production from China and monetizing its energy sector.
  • China will continue to face more internal tension and slower economic growth.


# 225, Stratfor trends for 2014

225. George Friedman and the smart minds around him have compiled the top 5 trends that will shape 2014.
I feel comfortable casting the highlights without much change:
  • An enduring detente between Iran and the United States
  • The rise of nationalist and extremist parties in Europe
  • Russia and Germany bargain over Central/Eastern Europe and energy policy
  • China's return to strongman politics
  • Domestic turmoil and economic stress in India and Turkey
The United States will attempt to balance power in the Middle East through its strategic negotiations with Iran; the rise of nationalist and euroskeptic parties will be felt in this upcoming year’s elections; the Chinese president will continue to consolidate more power under himself. Barely missing the list but still notable: the end of the FARC insurgency in Colombia, escalating violence in Nigeria, and Mexico's return to political gridlock.