
# 77, on having become a Twitterer...

77. Recently I couldn't avoid to become a Twitterer to enhance the transmittal of my -often- concise ideas... So, be welcome to follow me through www.twitter.com/omonte


# 76, on the Presidential Inauguration 2009...

76. The visit of my youngest sister and enchanting nephews who happen to live in Canada since 2001 brought me to spend the last 4 weeks between Huánuco and a beautiful beach southern of Lima... Luckily I could find more time up yesterday afternoon to follow this years Presidential Inauguration...
First things first though, I want to express my gratitude to now Former President George W. Bush through an article I've already started to work on and -as stated today on my Facebook page- I wish President Barack H. Obama Junior all the best... After watching him on some of the official balls though, I warmely hope he can govern much better than he dances...