
# 89, sobre el panorama electoral peruano del 2011...

89. En un artículo sobre el penoso estado de la carretera central recordé el sentido de un comentario mío distribuido a través del correo electrónico poco antes de la segunda vuelta presidencial. Traía a colación que en aquel junio de 2006, al tener a Alan García y Ollanta Humala como únicos contendores, los peruanos no teníamos otra alternativa que elegir al menos peor...
Ayer, dialogando con un amigo pendiente como yo de lo que nos deparará el 2011, le manifesté que si dentro de año y medio tenemos compitiendo a Alejandro Toledo y Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, los peruanos por fin habremos de saborear la facultad de escoger al mejor...


# 88, on Obama avoiding Berlin nowadays

88. On recent November 9 president Obama preferred to stay out of the 20th ceremony commemorating the fall of the Berlin wall. After having seen him rushing to Copenhagen in order to lobby for Chicago as an Olypmpics site, one wondered why he didn't make much effort to take part on such a historic event.
However, a further analysis shows us that the current White House host wanted to avoid paying tribute to the biggest power broker for the end of the Soviet imperialism & subsequent Germany's reunification: Ronald Reagan.


# 87, on the growing US unemployment rate...

87. The US unemployment rate -nowadays at 10.2%- is tilted to keep growing mainly because Mr. Obama's policies tend to substract instead of adding jobs... He will need to turn back or heavily fine-tune on promised initiatives like the new Health Care reform and Cap & Trade program which are prone to bring plain and stealth taxation to job-creating businesses...